
Electrical service is provided by the Florida Keys Electric Co-op - a member-owned utility. When you connect (or have billing transferred to your name), deposit and other information is required. As a Co-operative (member-owned), power is purchased at reduced rates from the mainland and enjoys a relatively lower rate than elsewhere in Florida. The Co-op’s main office is located in Tavernier (MM 91.5) at 91605 Overseas Highway, and can be reached at 305-852-2431.

Solid Waste

In Monroe County, the County Government has issued franchises for solid waste (household and commercial) pick-up. You (or your landlord) are billed annually with county taxes for service. Your household entitlement consists of: 2 household garbage pick-ups per week; 1 pick-up per week of yard trash and recycles, and an on-call pick-up of household "white goods" (sofas, refrigerators, etc). Key's Sanitary Service can be reached at 305-451-2025.


Your solid waste bill includes a component to finance the County’s recycling efforts. Blue recycling bins are supplied by the solid waste franchise and curbside pickup is scheduled weekly.


Telephone service can be obtained from many providers. Please see our Member Directory for a list of providers. Telephone directories can be obtained at the Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center.


In the Upper Keys, television service is obtained by one of two methods: franchised cable system or satellite dish providers. Check your yellow pages for current companies servicing the Keys.


Provided by the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, a state agency. Deposits are required. Connections at the Upper Keys office, at 91620 Overseas Highway, MM 91.6, 305-853-1996.